Sit Pretty: Posing Tips for MenWith cameras at the touch of our fingertips, most people aren’t strangers to photography. Whether it’s snapping a quick picture for social media or taking a selfie, we take photos ALL the time. But time and time again, I see clients get in front of my lens and freeze – instantly feeling awkward, and not knowing what to do. And, instead of us maximizing our time together and getting lots of shots to choose from, our time is spent with me coaching them on how to pose. While this is true across the board, it is more pronounced in my male clients. They want to look good, but don’t know what to do with their hands, how to stand, where to look or they just seem to have one “look.” Here are some top posing tips to keep in mind (and practice) before your session:
Stick your chin out. This may seem strange and out of the norm, but trust me, it photographs well. Not only are you avoiding a double chin look, you are accentuating a masculine jaw line. If posing with a small to no smile, try slightly biting down too to further define this jaw line. Squint your eyes. Don’t take this tip too far and look like you’re struggling to see, but a slight squint to your eyes gives you an illusion of smiling without a big, toothy grin.
Open up your stance. Don’t stand with your feet together. Plant each foot directly under each shoulder, and point your toes out slightly for a more confident look. Mind your posture. A good posture communicates confidence and professionalism. Achieve this look by standing tall and confident with a strong, tight core, but make sure you stay relaxed with non-stiff shoulders. Lean in towards to the camera. This tip helps your shoulders look as broad as possible, and your waist look thinner – achieving the ideal v shape male body type (without extra trips to the gym). Shift your weight to one leg. Having your weight evenly distributed between each foot looks less natural. Shifting your weight very slightly loosens things up, makes your look more comfortable and gives a natural vibe. Inhale before a picture is snapped. This tiny practice sucks in your gut and gives your chest a bigger (and more confident) look.
HANDS One of the biggest challenges when taking portraits with men, is what to do with their hands. Many men get uncomfortable, and it shows with their hand positioning. Here are some good hand poses to keep “on-hand.”
Last, but most certainly, not least – BRING YOUR ATTITUDE. How you feel will come across on camera. If you feel shy, awkward and unsure – your pictures will show it. If you feel good and confident, your image in your photos will speak for itself. We can accomplish a lot with posting, but it is no substitute for your own confidence and self-esteem.
Do you have a helpful tip or suggestion for us that you'd like to share? We'd love to hear them! Leave them in the comments below or send me a personal message. Do you like this article? Share with your audience! SP Photo Studio, is a full-service provider for your private and business image branding needs. Our philosophy is based on our commitment to helping ordinary people do extraordinary things on camera. We work with our clients to grow their vision with a defined approach, creating engaging image content for social media network. We provide the tools, tips and talent to empower you to be 'camera ready', whenever and wherever. Would you like a free consultation on how to take your personal branding images to the next level? Schedule a 15 minute consultation right now.
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