Sit Pretty: Posing Tips for Women

October 22, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Compared to men, in my experience, women (in general) tend to be more photogenic in the sense that they are more aware of their facial appearance and body language. But, what makes a good selfie doesn’t always translate well to a good professional photo shoot. Here are some good tips to keep in mind (and practice) before your session.

FACE  posing-guide-photographing-women-01.jpgposing-guide-photographing-women-01.jpg

Ask for shots from above. Without fail, photos where the subject is looking slightly up at the camera are flattering. The focus is on your face, your chin line is clearly defined and your eyes will pop.

Pull your chin down. This tip differs from the posing tip to men, and seems counter intuitive. But make sure, you are pulling your chin OUT and down. Doing so will shape your jaw line (in a feminine way), and thin your jaw line, chin and neck area out.

Take small breaths through your nose right before shots. Seems weird, I know, but doing so will make your collar bone (a flattering area on most every woman) pop in the photo.


posing-photographing-female-models17posing-photographing-female-models17 BODY

Put your best foot forward – literally. Not necessarily your foot, but remember, whatever is closest to the camera will be the biggest. So make that big focus something you love – whether it’s your fresh manicure by bringing your arms and hands to the front or your lovely face by leaning into the shot.

Pose at an angle. Posing square or straight on makes the body appear wider. A slight angle is instantly slimming.

Don’t hide your curves. Be empowered and embrace your feminine body. Whether that’s shifting your weight to one leg or using the hand-on-hip pose, your curves are beautiful and doing so also defines your waist.



Use the classic hand-on-hip pose. While this pose is cliché and used all the time, there’s a reason for it – it works and looks good. But, you don’t need to look like a high school cheerleader when using it. The hand-on-hip pose can be loosely done with one arm while letting the other naturally (and softly) rest to the side.

Play with your hair. Use the one prop that goes everywhere with you – your hair. It keeps your hands busy, and looking less awkward, and it looks great!

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Last, but most certainly, not least – BRING YOUR ATTITUDE. I’ve said this before in our last blog, but it holds true for all of my clients, and it can’t be emphasized enough. How you feel will come across on camera. If you feel shy, awkward and unsure – your pictures will show it. If you feel pretty and confident, your image in your photos will speak for itself. We can accomplish a lot with posting, but it is no substitute for your own confidence and self-esteem.


Do you have a helpful tip or suggestion for us that you'd like to share? We'd love to hear them! Leave them in the comments below or send me a personal message. Do you like this article? Share with your audience!

SP Photo Studio, is a full-service provider for your private and business image branding needs. Our philosophy is based on our commitment to helping ordinary people do extraordinary things on camera.

We work with our clients to grow their vision with a defined approach, creating engaging image content for social media network. We provide the tools, tips and talent to empower you to be 'camera ready', whenever and wherever. Would you like a free consultation on how to take your personal branding images to the next level? Schedule a 15 minute consultation right now.



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